Radiologia Brasileira - Publicação Científica Oficial do Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia

AMB - Associação Médica Brasileira CNA - Comissão Nacional de Acreditação
Idioma/Language: Português Inglês

Previous Issues Volume  57 -  2024 ISSN: 0100-3984

The importance of the medical imaging technology park: access, equity, and balance
Claudia Marques Canabrava; Altacílio Aparecido Nunes; Antônio Pazin-Filho

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The impact of steatosis assessment in imaging
Hilton Muniz Leão Filho

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Radiology in the age of artificial intelligence: challenges and opportunities
Tulio Augusto Alves Macedo; Manoel de Souza Rocha

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Metastases to inguinal lymph nodes in prostate cancer: a new perspective on an uncommon pattern of spread
Alice Schuch

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Rectal cancer management: the essential role of magnetic resonance imaging in neoadjuvant therapy
Aley Talans; Giuseppe D’Ippolito

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The importance of PSMA PET/CT in evaluating biochemical recurrence in patients with prostate cancer and the need to expand access to this examination via public health care systems
Ronaldo Hueb Baroni

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Advancements in dermatologic ultrasound and its use in facial aesthetic interventions
Ana Lúcia Kefalas Oliveira; Marcelo Rodrigues da Cunha Araújo

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Experience in other segments should shorten studies using Look-Locker and high-resolution T2 images in the study of focal lung lesions
Marcelo Souto Nacif

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Understanding high- and low-grade gliomas: VASARI criteria and MRI features
Nina Ventura

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Vascular irregularities in COVID-19: the relevance of computed tomography pulmonary angiography in the diagnosis of vascular complications
Alexandre Dias Mançano

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Lymph node assessment in patients with early-stage breast cancer: the current role of imaging methods
Sandra Regina Campos Teixeira; Almir Galvão Vieira Bitencourt

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Follow-up brain MRI of infants with and without congenital Zika virus infection: paving the way for a thorough understanding of the consequences of Zika virus infection
Patricia Piazza Rafful; Sara Reis Teixeira

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Orbitopatia tireoidiana
Murilo Bicudo Cintra

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The main findings in emergency computed tomography examinations
Alexandre Bezerra

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Performance of ChatGPT on questions from the Brazilian College of Radiology annual resident evaluation test
Cleverson Alex Leitão; Gabriel Lucca de Oliveira Salvador; Leda Maria Rabelo; Dante Luiz Escuissato

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Analysis of the indications for and results of breast cancer screening by magnetic resonance imaging at a cancer center in Brazil
Karina Kuhl Zoghbi; Vinicius Cardona Felipe; Luciana Graziano; Camila Souza Guatelli; Juliana Alves de Souza; Almir Galvão Vieira Bitencourt

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“Interstitial lung abnormalities”: translation to and use in Portuguese
Tassia Regina Yamanari; Ricardo Valarelli Auad; Alexandre Dias Mançano; Marcel Koenigkam-Santos; Pablo Rydz Pinheiro Santana; Arthur Soares Souza Júnior; Rodrigo Caruso Chate; Marcio Valente Yamada Sawamura

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Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in Brazil: an epidemiological study on the distribution of equipment and frequency of examinations, with comparisons between the public and private sectors
Camila de Almeida Costa Alencar; Dante Claudino de Oliveira; Aylla Batista Moreira Teixeira; Lívia Maria Goes Lemos; Raquel Cristina Saldanha Quesado; Ionara Maria de Almeida Santos; Carolina Freitas Lins

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Non-invasive hepatic fat quantification: Can multi-echo Dixon help?
Akarshi Gupta; Rashmi Dixit; Anjali Prakash

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Effects of antenatal corticosteroids on fetal hemodynamics: a longitudinal study
Maria Claudia Bayão Carelli; Fernando Maia Peixoto-Filho; Luis Guillermo Coca Velarde; Renato Augusto Moreira de Sá; Viviane Monteiro; Edward Araujo Júnior

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Relevance of the correlation between tomography findings and laboratory test results in the accuracy of the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis
Daniel Lopes da Cunha; Maria Lucia Rossetti; Evaldo Teixeira Nunes; Eduardo Bruno Lobato Martins; Aila de Menezes Ferreira; Sariane Coelho Ribeiro

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Accuracy of an artificial intelligence algorithm for detecting moderate-to-severe vertebral compression fractures on abdominal and thoracic computed tomography scans
Renata Fernandes Batista Pereira; Paulo Victor Partezani Helito; Renata Vidal Leão; Marcelo Bordalo Rodrigues; Marcos Felippe de Paula Correa; Felipe Veiga Rodrigues

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Evaluation of the mesenteric arterial vasculature by computed tomography angiography and its implications for colorectal cancer surgery
Marcelo Castro; Javiera Cornejo; Mauricio Acuña; Laura Naim; José Vía Dorado; Lía Rodríguez; Sebastián Aguirre; David Herquiñigo

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Retrospective analysis of the efficacy and survival associated with cTACE and DEB-TACE in the palliative treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma: experience of a tertiary care hospital in southern Brazil
Priscila Cavedon Fontana; Gabriela Perdomo Coral; Alex Finger Horbe; Raquel de Freitas Jotz; Beatriz Garcia de Morais; Angelo Alves de Mattos

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Inguinal lymph node metastases from prostate cancer: clinical, pathology, and multimodality imaging considerations
Sungmin Woo; Anton S. Becker; Soleen Ghafoor; Felipe de Galiza Barbosa; Yuki Arita; Hebert A. Vargas

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Natural language processing in the classification of radiology reports in benign gallbladder diseases
Lislie Gabriela Santin; Henrique Min Ho Lee; Viviane Mariano da Silva; Ellison Fernando Cardoso; Murilo Gleyson Gazzola

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Parkinson’s disease and levodopa-induced dyskinesias: a quantitative analysis through 99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT imaging of the brain
Felipe Arriva Pitella; Leonardo Alexandre-Santos; Kleython José Coriolano Cavalcanti de Lacerda; Ana Carolina Trevisan; Mery Kato; Fernando Eduardo Padovan-Neto; Vitor Tumas; Lauro Wichert-Ana

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The additional benefit of computed tomography in cancer patients: impacts of sarcopenia and cachexia on quality of life during chemotherapy
Galtieri Otávio Cunha de Medeiros; Ilanna Marques Gomes da Rocha; Aline Marcadenti; Ricardo Andrade Bezerra; Erica Roberta Barbalho; Carlos Alves de Sousa Júnior; Ana Paula Trussardi Fayh

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PSMA PET/CT in the Brazilian Unified Healthcare System reduces costs with futile salvage therapies in the management of cases of biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer
Mateos Bogoni; Juliano Julio Cerci; Evelinda Marramon Trindade; Miguel Morita Fernandes da Silva; Marina Bicalho Silveira; Jônatas Luiz Pereira; Murilo de Almeida Luz; Bernardo Corrêa de Almeida Teixeira

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Evaluation of glial tumors: correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and histopathological analysis
Lillian Gonçalves Campos; Francine Hehn de Oliveira; Ápio Cláudio Martins Antunes; Juliana Ávila Duarte

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Look-Locker T1 relaxometry and high-resolution T2 in the evaluation of lung lesions: a single-center prospective study
Danilo Tadao Wada; Li Siyuan Wada; Camila Vilas Boas Machado; Mateus Repolês Lourenço; Tales Rubens de Nadai; Federico Enrique Garcia Cipriano; Alexandre Todorovic Fabro; Marcel Koenigkam-Santos

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Brain MRI in infants exposed to the Zika virus, with one-year follow-up: expanding the phenotype
Teresa Cristina de Castro Ramos Sarmet dos Santos; Mai-Lan Ho; Maria de Fatima Vasco Aragão; Renata Artimos de Oliveira Vianna; Alexandre Ribeiro Fernandes; Alair Augusto Sarmet Moreira Damas dos Santos; Claudete Aparecida Araújo Cardoso

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Quantification of hepatic fat: evaluation of different magnetic resonance imaging measurement strategies in cases of homogeneous and heterogeneous distribution
Eloa de Castro Noguerol; Luis Ronan Marquez Ferreira de Souza; Valdair Francisco Muglia; Jorge Elias Jr

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Computed tomography-guided percutaneous biopsy of subcentimeter lung noduless
Penélope Sánchez Teixeira; Almir Galvão Vieira Bitencourt; Jefferson Luiz Gross; Rubens Chojniak; Soraia Quaranta Damião; Paula Nicole Vieira Pinto Barbosa

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Vascular irregularities in COVID-19: findings on computed tomography pulmonary angiography
Luiz Felipe Nobre; Sérgio Ferreira Alves Júnior; Elazir Barbosa Di Puglia; Rosana Rodrigues; Gláucia Zanetti; Edson Marchiori

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Magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of axillary lymph nodes in patients with early-stage invasive breast cancer
Taís Coelho Batista; Marcela Caetano Vilela Lauar; Érica Elisangela Françolin Federicci; Iviny Yonekura; Renato Leme de Moura Ribeiro

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Ultrasonographic findings in female inmates in a prison unit in the state of São Paulo, Brazil
Soraya Gomes de Amorim Andrade; Fernando Moreira de Andrade; Edward Araujo Júnior; Wagner José Gonçalves; José Mendes Aldrighi

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Morphometric analysis of extraocular muscles and proptosis by computed tomography in Graves’ orbitopathy
Erika Mayumi Watanabe; Ronan Yudi Cavazzana; Douglas de Aguiar Manso Ribeiro; Lorena Candido Brandão; Ana Victória Haddad; José Eduardo Corrente; André Petean Trindade; Eliane Chaves Jorge

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Radiological findings on computed tomography examinations of adult patients in the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital
Ana Júlia Xavier da Cruz Soares; Bianca Tessele; André Luiz Picoloto; Luciana Estacia Ambros

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The dark side of T2: central nervous system lesions with low signal intensity on T2-weighted imaging
Pedro Carpentieri-Primo; Luiza Nahoum; Louise Almeida; Fernando Nacur; Sérgio Ferreira Alves Júnior; Nina Ventura

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Radiological presentation of active pulmonary tuberculosis in kidney transplant recipients: a retrospective study of four cases and a review of the literature
Virgilio de Araujo Oliveira; Ricardo Augusto Monteiro de Barros Almeida; Ricardo de Souza Cavalcante; Luis Gustavo Modelli de Andrade; Sergio Marrone Ribeiro

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Restaging magnetic resonance imaging of the rectum after neoadjuvant therapy: a practical guide
Natally Horvat; João Miranda; Fernanda Kinochita; Tiago Lins de Carvalho; Giovanni Brondani Torri; Thiago José Pinheiro Lopes; Cesar Higa Nomura

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Nutritional status and changes in muscle and adipose tissue determined by computed tomography as predictors of mortality in hospitalized patients
Bruna Lúcia de Mendonça Soares; Nataly Maria de Mendonça Soares; Maria Goretti Pessoa de Araújo Burgos; Ilma Kruze Grande de Arruda

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Imaging findings of acute calcific periarthritis, with emphasis on magnetic resonance imaging: pictorial essay
Letícia Bianco Gomes de Almeida; Marcelo Mantiolhe Martins; Vinícius Neves Marcos

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Sclerosing bone dysplasias: a pictorial essay
Vinicius de Almeida Cavalcante Galdino; Marcelo Mantiolhe Martins; Vinícius Neves Marcos; Gabriel Fernandes Gonçalves; Rafaela Gonçalves Dias; Daniela Rambaldi Mileti

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Non-neoplastic and neoplastic scrotal pathologies on magnetic resonance imaging: a pictorial essay
Thiago de Oliveira Caetano; Alice Schuch; Ivan Morzoletto Pedrollo

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Decoding dose descriptors for computed tomography
Mannudeep K. Kalra; Lina Karout; Felipe de Moura Kiipper; Mônica Oliveira Bernardo

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Justification: gain or game
Mannudeep K. Kalra; Mônica Oliveira Bernardo; Lina Karout; Alair Augusto Sarmet Moreira Damas dos Santos

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Computed tomography-guided preoperative charcoal tattooing in patients with recurrent prostate cancer after prostatectomy and undergoing pelvic salvage lymphadenectomy
Juan Bautista Del Valle; Sebastian Gustavo Tirapegui; Juan Cruz Liyo; Matías Adrián Borensztein

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U-SMAS: ultrasound findings of the superficial musculoaponeurotic system
Luciana C. Zattar; Gladstone Faria; Ricardo Boggio

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Imaging presentations of foreign bodies that make for a challenging diagnosis: pictorial essay
Daphne J. Theodorou; Stavroula J. Theodorou; Yousuke Kakitsubata

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The role of the radiologist in the dengue endemic: a pictorial essay
Edinaldo Gomes de Oliveira Neto; Danilo Delamare Lucena Nascimento; Tiago Vasques Bertoncini; Arthur Ataíde Lopes; Alexandre Sérgio de Araujo Bezerra; Mayra Veloso Ayrimoraes Soares

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Hyperintense lesions of the middle cerebellar peduncle and beyond: a pictorial essay
João Vitor Gerdulli Tamanini; Guilherme Antonio Silva Ribeiro; Adriana Tami Kimura; Luiz Fernando Borella; Tomás de Andrade Freddi; Fabiano Reis

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Recognition of the reviewers and section editors of Radiologia Brasileira

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The challenges of balancing clinical and research responsibilities
Nikolaos-Achilleas Arkoudis; Evgenia Efthymiou; Ornella Moschovaki-Zeiger; Christos Koutserimpas

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Opening doors for open-source large language models in radiology education
Partha Pratim Ray

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